The Application Process.

Get in touch with us to find out more about our programme and the application process.

Our teacher training application process is an incredibly exciting time but can also feel a little daunting. There are lots of aspects of your application to consider, hopefully the process outlined below will help:

How can I find out more prior to applying?

A great way to do this is to attend an information event, which we hold regularly. If you’re interested in attending, click the button below to register to attend our next one.

School experience is highly beneficial to your application and also gives you a taste of what a career in teaching looks like.

How/when do I apply?

Applications open each year via DfE Apply. 

At this point, you may be considering which course to take, the core SCITT route or a School Direct route via one of our lead school partners. You should be aware that you are applying for essentially the same programme, and may even be interviewed once for several of our programmes. The lead school here is key, the SCITT route offers a wide alliance of schools; key trusted partners who have worked with us for many years. The lead schools give a greater indication of where you may be placed.

What do I need to apply?

Eligibility for teacher training programmes is as follows:

  • An Honours degree* (preferably made up of at least 50% of the subject you are intending to apply for, or an Honours degree in any subject for Primary applicants).
  • Evidence of your GCSEs in Maths and English (and Science for primary) at Grade C/4 or above**.


You will also be asked to provide the following as part of the application process:

  • Photo ID and Birth Certificate (at point of interview)
  • A full work history which includes any relevant experience that will support your application.

* If you are a final year student, you are still eligible to apply. You may be asked to provide evidence of your current progress/ forecasted grades.

** If you don’t have your original certificate, you should order a Final Certifying Statement of results as soon as possible.

What should I put in my Personal Statement?

You should spend time on your Personal Statement, giving consideration to how it highlights your strengths and passion to train to teach. You will be prompted to answer the question “Why do you want to become a teacher?” and you should reflect on the reasons you wish to teach and the qualities you have that you believe will make you a good teacher. If you are a career changer, think about transferrable skills and if you have had prior experience of working with children in a different context, you may wish to reflect on what you have learned and how this may have assisted in preparing you to apply. You will also be required to answer the question, “What do you know about the subject you want to teach” and we do recommend you consider framing your response around your academic qualifications for the subject you are applying for as well as appropriate experience gained from your experience from employment or voluntary opportunities.

Who should I contact for a reference?

Ideally, we require an academic reference and also a reference from your current employer. If there are reasons why this is not possible at this stage, for example you studied several years ago and no longer have a contact at the organisation, we will work with you to advise of a suitable alternative.

Our Teacher Training Application Process.

Your application will be assessed based on first and foremost, your eligibility to train. Once we have established this, we will advise you of whether you have progressed to the interview stage, based on the quality of your application. Our preference is perform to interviews in person.

Our interview process incorporates many elements to assess the following:

Literacy and numeracy skills*

Awareness of educational issues

Awareness of the qualities required needed to be a good teacher

Interpersonal and communication skills

Rationale for wanting to become a teacher

Suitability for the profession


Subject knowledge and awareness of what constitutes high quality teaching and learning

Following the interview, we will be in contact to ask you to evaluate the process and inform you of the outcome.

* In order to gain Qualified Teacher Status at the end of your programme, you will need to demonstrate fundamental competencies in Maths and English. In order to support this, we may ask you to undertake a programme to further develop your skills in either one as part of a conditional offer.

Equality & Diversity at The John Taylor SCITT...

The John Taylor SCITT is an inclusive teacher trainer provider that provides all trainees with the opportunity to achieve QTS. We are committed to ensuring all staff and trainees have a thorough understanding of the Equality Act (2010) and the implications to them as individuals and in their roles as a teacher.

The John Taylor SCITT is committed to eliminating discrimination, encouraging diversity among the workforce, and positively promoting equality of opportunity for all, including those with a protected characteristic. We welcome applications from all who are interested in training to teach.

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Additional Support for Career Changers

We are partnered with Now Teach who support people coming into teaching with experience in other industries. Joining their national network gives access to bespoke coaching and support to help career changers thrive in their new profession. If you decide to train to teach with The John Taylor SCITT, continued support and developmental opportunities are offered through this partnership.

Download the leaflet or contact Rachael for more information about Now Teach.

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