Subject Pedagogy Tutor.
Subject Pedagogy Tutor.
After graduating from the University of Leeds with a 2:1 in Geography & History, Emily completed the Leadership Development Programme with Teach First. She remained in her placement school for 4 years where she worked as Head of Geography and Teach First mentor. Since then, she has returned ‘home’ to the East Staffordshire area, where she has worked in various roles at John Taylor High School, co-CAL, ACAL, KS4 Progress Leader, SCITT and NQT mentor, and since September she has taken up the role of Subject Pedagogy Lead for Geography. Emily is incredibly passionate about all things Teaching & Learning and she absolutely loves being a part of our teacher training programme and always looks forward to developing the next generation of amazing Geography teachers!
Get in touch with us to find out more about our programme and the application process.
Programme Specific Elements.
Every Friday session will be different, but Emily will ensure that throughout the year your Geography subject knowledge is constantly strengthened and cemented through each Friday afternoon session. These interactive sessions will focus on various aspects of Teaching & Learning in our Geography classrooms including:
Setting high expectations.
Utilising effective assessment for learning opportunities.
Understanding the power of questioning.
Differentiating for all student abilities and needs.
Sequencing and interleaving to create dynamic and impactful schemes of learning.
Planning and leading fieldwork opportunities.
Understanding marking and assessment criteria across all key stages.