Career Development.

Professional Development for Teachers.

The John Taylor SCITT is part of JT MAT, The John Taylor Teaching School Hub and The Staffordshire Research School and so is equally concerned with Teacher Development as with Teacher Training. We want to recruit and retain good teachers and so invest considerably in professional development. As a MAT employee you would have the opportunity to collaborate with your counterpart in each of the MAT secondary schools. In addition our Career Development Pathway for teachers and leaders clearly outlines entitlement and opportunities available.

John Taylor Multi Academy Trust
Staffordshire Research School Logo

Get in touch with us if you are interested in knowing more.

Early Career

The Early Career Framework, ensures that Early Career Teachers have access to high quality training to support your development. As a TS Hub we are a delivery partner for the ECF and will work with you and your mentors in the first two years of your career, supporting you and building on the skills and knowledge acquired during the ITE year, keeping you up to date with the latest evidence-informed pedagogy.
Professional Development for Teachers

Middle Leadership

For established teachers wishing to broaden and deepen their expertise in specialist areas and progress to middle leadership roles , JT MAT facilitates access to the full range of specialist National Professional Qualifications. Specialist NPQs are widely recognised by the sector and designed to support the professional development of teachers and middle leaders. They comprise:

NPQ for Leading Teacher Development: for teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers.

NPQ for Leading Teaching: for teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase.

NPQ for Leading Behaviour and Culture: for teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing.

Professional Development for Teachers

Senior Leadership

As an established middle leader who may aspire to become a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities, JT MAT offers in-house programmes, shadowing and secondment opportunities as well as the National Professional Qualification for Senior Leaders and the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers.
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